What is a good home station for mining low temp diamonds?

What is a good home station for mining low temp diamonds? - Metal construction inside of salt mine with lamps

I want to make some money by mining low temp diamonds but I want to know what a good home station would be for doing this.

It should preferably not be too far away from anything and not too hard to get to.

Pictures about "What is a good home station for mining low temp diamonds?"

What is a good home station for mining low temp diamonds? - Exterior of aged residential house decorated with low black metal fence and flowerbeds with bushes
What is a good home station for mining low temp diamonds? - Black Wooden Dining Table and Chairs
What is a good home station for mining low temp diamonds? - Built Structure Against Sky

How do you farm low temperature diamonds?

Low Temperature Diamonds are a Mineral Commodity. They can only be obtained by mining them from icy Planetary Ring Systems.

Where can I mine Low Temp diamonds?

Mining is currently possible at asteroid belts or planetary rings (including icy as of 2.1/1.6), although it is the most profitable in a Pristine Metallic area. They can be targeted and flown to in supercruise, just like any destination within a system.

Where to Find and Sell Low Temperature Diamonds in Elite Dangerous

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Julia Volk, Matteus Silva, cottonbro, Pixabay