How does traveling to a wing member work?

How does traveling to a wing member work? - Parked White and Orange Airplane

I want to join in a wing with a player in solo/private session. he will be in the default starting point, and I am quite a way from that. I believe that i will be teleported to him using the wing beacon, but I'm unsure of something. I'm quite far away from the starting point, and I don't want to have to travel all that way again, will the game teleport me back to where i was when I leave the wing? how does this work?

Pictures about "How does traveling to a wing member work?"

How does traveling to a wing member work? - Gray Plane Wing
How does traveling to a wing member work? - Silhouette of Man Standing in Front of Microphone
How does traveling to a wing member work? - Woman Walking on Pathway While Strolling Luggage

How does wing NAV lock work?

Wingman Nav-LockYou can slave your ship's frame shift drive to a wingman's vessel. Select a Commander from the Comms Contacts tab in the Comms panel who is listed under the "Wing" heading and choose "Engage Wingman Nav-Lock." You will see a square marker appear on the wingman's status element in the wing interface.

What does being in a wing do elite dangerous?

just send a wing request to your friend and have him accept it. You can do so from your comms menu. If you drop to a Point Of Interest, Station, Etc, you'll do so together, and if you go into Supercruise, you'll do so together as well.

How do I teleport to a friend in elite dangerous?

If you are in a wing you fly close in supercruise an option to "wing jump" would come up. A wing jump would take each ships jump range, add them up and divide that number evenly between all 4 ships. Then when one ship executes the jump it pulls the rest of the wing with it.

What are those things on the aircraft wing?

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Nur Andi Ravsanjani Gusma, Snapwire, Kyle Loftus, Oleksandr Pidvalnyi