How to fit 12t of cargo into Sidewinder MkI?

How to fit 12t of cargo into Sidewinder MkI? - 3 Boys Standing on Black and White Floor

I have seen on the Elite Dangerous wiki that Sidewinder has a maximum capacity of 12 tonnes. My own sidewinder currently carries 8 tonnes - it has one 2E rack and two 1E racks.

I don't know how to increase the capacity any more. When I go to the market, I can't replace the 1E racks with the 2E racks.

So how can I get to full 12t of capacity?

Pictures about "How to fit 12t of cargo into Sidewinder MkI?"

How to fit 12t of cargo into Sidewinder MkI? - Man in Green Crew Neck T-shirt
How to fit 12t of cargo into Sidewinder MkI? - Man in Black and White Tank Top and Blue Denim Jeans
How to fit 12t of cargo into Sidewinder MkI? - Group of People Playing Basketball

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Images: RODNAE Productions, RODNAE Productions, RODNAE Productions, cottonbro