problem landing [duplicate]

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I am not able any more to request landing on any station. The stations were targeted, I was not in supercruise, I was located 1000-2000 metres away from the stations respectively and my weapons have been retracted, but in the "Contacts" tab nothing was listed, so I was not able to request landing. I have checked my module tab to my sensors but I cant activate then I have also tried to turn something off for maybe I didn't have enough power but still not working.

Screenshot of ship console

Best Answer

Looking at the screenshot. Your sensor module is destroyed(health 0%) and needs to be repaired before you can activate it again. Here are the steps you need to take in order to start the repair sequence.

  1. Go to the right panel (where you are now)
  2. Select the Ship Tab
  3. Scroll down to Reboot/Repair
  4. Select it
  5. wait for the sequence to finish
  6. Go back to modules
  7. Turn on Sensor

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How do I resolve duplicate content issues?

There are four methods of solving the problem, in order of preference:
  • Not creating duplicate content.
  • Redirecting duplicate content to the canonical URL.
  • Adding a canonical link element to the duplicate page.
  • Adding an HTML link from the duplicate page to the canonical page.

  • Why is duplicate content an issue for SEO?

    Duplicate content confuses Google and forces the search engine to choose which of the identical pages it should rank in the top results. Regardless of who produced the content, there is a high possibility that the original page will not be the one chosen for the top search results.

    What is duplicate content issue?

    Duplicate content doesn't ONLY mean content that's copied word-for-word from somewhere else. So even if your content is technically different than what's out there, you can still run into duplicate content problems. This isn't an issue for most sites. Most sites have a few dozen pages.

    How do I stop SEO duplicate content?

    Redirects. Redirects are very useful for eliminating duplicate content. Pages duplicated from another can be redirected and fed back to the main version of the page.

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    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: cottonbro, Kelly L, Kelly L, cottonbro