How much do fleet carriers cost in 2021?

How much do fleet carriers cost in 2021? - Closeup of male American president printed on five dollar bill and looking away pensively

I'm a new Elite Dangerous player, and I know fleet carriers have been changed a lot since their beta. I googled this, but I'm looking for updated info. How much do Fleet Carriers currently cost to buy, and how much is their weekly upkeep? I need to know this for sure before I even consider saving up for one.

Pictures about "How much do fleet carriers cost in 2021?"

How much do fleet carriers cost in 2021? - One Dollar Bill
How much do fleet carriers cost in 2021? - Person Holding 10 and 10 Euro Banknotes
How much do fleet carriers cost in 2021? - 1 Us Dollar Bill

How much does a Fleet Carrier cost?

Fleet Carriers have a weekly upkeep cost that can turn a lovely Elite Dangerous session into a desperate battle as you struggle to pay the loansharks for your ship. Prices start at about 5 billion, although overall upkeep costs can spiral to 25 million a week once everything's upgraded. Yes. That's a lot of credits.

Can you make money with a Fleet Carrier?

With a 500 light-year jump range, Fleet Carriers provide a new platform for deep-space exploration and long-range travel, equipped with every essential you could ever need. No matter where you are in space, you're home on a Fleet Carrier.

How often can Fleet Carriers jump?

No, carriers can not be destroyed by conventional weapons. Q: Could a carrier be stolen?

Buying A Fleet Carrier 2021 | Elite Dangerous

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Images: Karolina Grabowska, cottonbro, cottonbro, cottonbro