Professor palin not unlocked?

Professor palin not unlocked? - Woman in White Shirt Sitting by the Table

In the painful quest to palin, i just decided to take a 5k ly straight line trip. I have achieved the distance after 3 and a half hours travel time.

Before i make the return trip, i would like to wait until Palin is unlocked.

I can confirm i have met the criteria from Qwent, i can also say i have just achieved 5kly from start. No unlocking nor invite? Is this a waiting game? Or shall i be safe for the return trip?

Best Answer

Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

Seriously, a lot of things like this seem to require logging out and back in to trigger them. I'm pretty sure I had to do this at certain points in unlocking Farseer and Martuuk. More recently, I had to do it to activate my Sol Permit - despite having received the message saying that I had it, it wouldn't work until a re-log.

Pictures about "Professor palin not unlocked?"

Professor palin not unlocked? - Brown and Black Wooden Chairs Inside Room
Professor palin not unlocked? - Woman Writing On A Whiteboard
Professor palin not unlocked? - Man in Beige Blazer Holding Tablet Computer

How to unlock Professor Palin

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Answer 2

As long as the right panel statistics show max distance from start as over 5000 LY, you should be fine. Seems to take a few jumps after that for the invite to show up.

Also note: you don’t have to survive; you can go 5000LY from start, self-destruct and still get the invite.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: cottonbro, Pixabay, ThisIsEngineering, fauxels