What mining resource will make the most money? Elite Dangerous

What mining resource will make the most money? Elite Dangerous - Free stock photo of addiction, adult, analysis

I'm core mining in an Asp Scout. Been doing pretty good, made three runs with an average profit of 2,000,000 credits per run, mining one asteroid per run. I've pretty much figured out the mechanics of core mining, but I am trying to figure out which resources I should be searching for. So far I've mined Platinum and Rhodplumsite. Those are pretty good, but I'm hoping to make more than 2 mil a run (not sure if that's possible with my current ship). Which resource is worth the most (that i can get core mining) and where can i get it?

Pictures about "What mining resource will make the most money? Elite Dangerous"

What mining resource will make the most money? Elite Dangerous - Excavator near industrial machines in quarry
What mining resource will make the most money? Elite Dangerous - Industrial crusher machine in quarry
What mining resource will make the most money? Elite Dangerous - Blue sky above salt fields in evening

What is the most profitable type of mining elite dangerous?

The most profitable core mining material is either Void Opals or Low Temperature Diamonds. Void opals are commonly found around Icy rings. There are worth upwards of 650k per ton.

How do I make the most money in mining elite dangerous?

The most sought-after minerals in missions are painite, osmium and platinum. Accepting Mining contracts at the Mission Board yields much more money for the mined commodities.

What is the best mineral to mine in elite dangerous?

Mining is the number-one way to make money in Elite Dangerous. There is no other activity that comes close to the potential profits of a long mining session, so buckle up, get your mining lasers ready, and start blasting those asteroids.

How to BEST earn CREDITS in Elite Dangerous (2022 update)

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Images: MART PRODUCTION, Piotr Arnoldes, Piotr Arnoldes, 蔡宗翰