Does it matter how long you spend docked in a damaged station?

Does it matter how long you spend docked in a damaged station? - An Elderly Couple Sitting and Standing in a Damaged Greenhouse

While performing rescue operations at a damaged station, do you continue to build up heat while docked? Flight control automatically brings you below deck and usually says something about "stabilizing core temperature", but does this actually happen? Or will I continue to build up heat as I navigate the Passenger Lounge?

Pictures about "Does it matter how long you spend docked in a damaged station?"

Does it matter how long you spend docked in a damaged station? - An Elderly Couple Sitting and Standing Near Tin Pots of Flowers
Does it matter how long you spend docked in a damaged station? - Ann Elderly Couple Standing and Leaning on a Greenhouse Doorway
Does it matter how long you spend docked in a damaged station? - Board Walk Scenery

Damaged Station Rescues for Imperial \u0026 Federal Rank to unlock ships -Corvette,Cutter-Tutorial/Guide

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: cottonbro, cottonbro, cottonbro, Geoffroy Hauwen