Is there a better way to select star systems in the 3D Galaxy Map?

Is there a better way to select star systems in the 3D Galaxy Map? - Lighted Roadside Rings

I play almost exclusively using a HOTAS and an Oculus Rift, and I'm having an impossibly difficult time with the navigation system in that environment. Specifically, it's nearly impossible to select a star system from the galaxy map.

I can navigate about just fine using the joystick, or using the keyboard and mouse, but none of the stick bindings seem to select a system, so I have to default back to keyboard and mouse.

Keyboard and mouse are basically useless because the mouse cursor is drawn on a 2D plane in front of the 3D map, and neither eye's view of the cursor actually matches where a click will occur. I spend so much time hovering my mouse around each star trying desperately to find the magical spot that will actually let me click the thing.

Surely there is some way to reliably navigate that doesn't require me to change my graphics settings and remove the Rift... right?

Best Answer

Surely there is some way to reliably navigate that doesn't require me to change my graphics settings and remove the Rift

You could perhaps use the keyboard to search by name (second tab in left-side menu). That moves focus to the named system and brings up the submenu for that system.

Disclaimer: I don't have Oculus Rift so cannot verify the usability of the above.

To be able to use the UI navigation keys in the Galaxy map, you must remap the keyboard controls so that the Galaxy Cam controls do not use the same keys as the UI controls.

For example, these are the normal Interface Mode controls:

enter image description here

If you open the Galaxy Map submenu, you'll see it also has WSADEQ mapped. I changed this as follows

enter image description here

I was then able to use the "D" key using keyboard alone (no mouse etc) to move focus to the submenu for the highlighted star system (after using the search option) - and move across Select/Route/Bookmark/System/... You can use spacebar to select the menu-item (e.g. to open system map).

Here's an example in detail

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ESpaceNANTER enter image description here
Enter enter image description here
QQ enter image description here
Space enter image description here

Voila - route plotted

Pictures about "Is there a better way to select star systems in the 3D Galaxy Map?"

Is there a better way to select star systems in the 3D Galaxy Map? - Traveler standing on car at starry night
Is there a better way to select star systems in the 3D Galaxy Map? - Blue and Purple Cosmic Sky
Is there a better way to select star systems in the 3D Galaxy Map? - Universe filled with stars nebula and glowing Milky Way

A 3D atlas of the universe - Carter Emmart

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Pixabay, Lachlan Ross, Felix Mittermeier, Enric Cruz López