Keep chaperone walls always visible while in SteamVR?

Keep chaperone walls always visible while in SteamVR? - Head of man lying on water with flowers

Beacuse I have a limited playspace, and I can not help but having a few obstacles in the playspace near the edges, I would like to force chaperone to be always visible.

In this particular instance I'm playing BeatSaber. I want to keep track of where the edges of my playspace are, so I have less chance to break my hand/controller/door or all three. But this question isn't specific for Beat Saber, I would like to have chaperone always on, in any steamvr game or app. In some apps, like media players, the chaperone walls are not even visible at all. That's very annoying because now I have no reference to that other world anymore.

I have noticed the setting 'floor bounds always on' under 'chaperone settings', and I would expect an option there that says 'walls always on', but I coulnd't find such a thing.

Is there perhaps a secret setting in a config file somewhere? Or maybe even a hack that someone created?

Best Answer

You can use the OpenVR Advanced Settings plug-in to force Chaperone boundaries to be visible at all times.

  1. Once installed a new Advanced Settings menu will appear in SteamVR's dashboard
  2. Go to the Chaperone page and turn on Force Bounds

There are also additional settings that may help you, such as marking the center of your playspace or proximity warnings when you are close to the boundary.

Pictures about "Keep chaperone walls always visible while in SteamVR?"

Keep chaperone walls always visible while in SteamVR? - Person swimming in water with flowers
Keep chaperone walls always visible while in SteamVR? - People Walking on Dirt Road Near Green Grass Field
Keep chaperone walls always visible while in SteamVR? - Stack of boxes on wooden table

SteamVR Tutorial - Chaperone bounds

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Darya Sannikova, Darya Sannikova, Genadi Yakovlev, Karolina Grabowska