Valve Basestations 2.0 not properly working with SteamVR

Valve Basestations 2.0 not properly working with SteamVR - From above of dollar bills in opened black envelope placed on stack of United states cash money as concept of personal income

I am trying to setup SteamVR to work on Ubuntu 16.04 with two Valve Basestations 2.0 and a HTC Vive tracker.

What I did so far is to put the two basestations 5 meters apart and looking at each other. Then, if I put the HTC Vive tracker in the middle and run SteamVR, this is what I get.

enter image description here

enter image description here

That is, it looks like only one basestation is properly working. In fact, the room overview shows the same situation.

enter image description here

We configured the null driver to disable the headset. Can this be the cause?

The headset is disabled at startup.

   "LastKnown" : {
      "HMDModel" : "Null Model Number"
   "direct_mode" : {
      "enable" : false
   "driver_null" : {
      "displayFrequency" : 30,
      "enable" : true,
      "id" : "Null Driver",
      "renderHeight" : 300,
      "renderWidth" : 640,
      "secondsFromVsyncToPhotons" : 0.10000000149011612,
      "serialNumber" : "Null 4711",
      "windowHeight" : 300,
      "windowWidth" : 640,
      "windowX" : 100,
      "windowY" : 100

How can I fix this issue and have both basestations to work?

Best Answer

This can be due to one of two possibilites:

  1. The tracker is too far from the headset
  2. There is no direct sight line between the headset and the tracker

Make sure it's close with nothing blocking the sensor.

Pictures about "Valve Basestations 2.0 not properly working with SteamVR"

Valve Basestations 2.0 not properly working with SteamVR - Pile of American paper money on black surface
Valve Basestations 2.0 not properly working with SteamVR - From above of small American flag placed on stack of 20 dollar bills as national currency for business financial operations
Valve Basestations 2.0 not properly working with SteamVR - A Paramedic Attending a Patient

How do I connect Base Station 2.0 to SteamVR?

Adjust the base stations so that the front panels are facing toward the center of the play area. Attach the power cables to the base stations, and then plug each of the adapter into a power outlet to turn them on. Important: Use only the power cables and adapters that came with your base stations.

How many SteamVR base stations 2.0 can I use in a single setup?

You can use up to four base stations in a single room covering 10 m x 10 m (32 ft 10 in x 32 ft 10 in).

Why are my base stations not working?

Turn the base station off and on again. Make sure that you've installed your base stations correctly. For details, see Installing the base stations. If the base stations have trouble wirelessly syncing with each other, there might be an obstruction in your play area.

Can you use 1.0 and 2.0 base stations together?

No, they are not compatible.

How to fix Valve index tracking issues

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska, Mikhail Nilov