Is any character superior?

Is any character superior? - Photo of Female Mobster Pointing the Gun on Man

I understand this question invites discussion.

What I meant to ask was if due to

  • basic stats (which I am unaware of)
  • a certain item unlocked throughout the run specific to the character
  • some other mechanism

one character is technically superior and intended to be used to learn the game and make the runs easier, whereas the others require a better knowledge and higher skill to take advantage of them.

Is there any particular characteristic that makes one of the characters the "easiest" to beat the game with?

Best Answer

Haven't even played the game so I'm unsure as to why I'm attempting to answer this question, so I've used someone else's answer to the same question, answer is on a Steam Community Form

If your playstyle is cautious and you dislike taking hits, then you should try the Pilot or Hunter. The Convict is buffed if she takes hits and Marine gets an extra armor, which is probably not what you want.

The Pilot has better shops and is good in the long run, but you need to rely on your guns because his starting weapon is trash. He can also pick up two active items, which can be pretty useful.

The Hunter can get extra items (including keys, and ammo) which is pretty nice. She dosen't (sic) get an active but her crossbow one-shots the weak mooks on chambers 1 and 2. This makes her good for the early game.

-Empathy, Steam ID : 76561198041783823 incase you want to thank him or something

Pictures about "Is any character superior?"

Is any character superior? - Person Wearing Red Dress
Is any character superior? - Shallow Focus Photo of Stormtrooper
Is any character superior? - Photo of an Elegant Woman Pointing the Gun

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Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: cottonbro, Pixabay, Craig Adderley, cottonbro