Caped bullet kin spawn chance per floor, best odds of finding them, speed running the first 2 floors or slowly completing the last 3?

Caped bullet kin spawn chance per floor, best odds of finding them, speed running the first 2 floors or slowly completing the last 3? - Photo of Person Using Wheelchair

Q: Has anyone ever compiled any information regarding how often or what percent chance each floor has to spawn a caped bullet kin? And where can I find that info if it has been looked into?

I checked the wiki and many other places of information and their sources but the best I got was that they are more likely to appear / spawn the lower you go. But no more info or stats than that.

The reason I am asking (incase this would be easier to answer or to make this make sense) is I am trying to figure out if it would be faster to get the 5 caped kin I need to unlock The Bullet, if I just run the first two floors over and over since I can ace those super fast no prob, might be able to run those two floors together and reset three times, maybe lol, all in the time it takes me to finish the last 3 floors once.

Q: So would I have better chances finding them speed running the first two floors a few times or slowly pushing through the last three once?

which ever of these two is easier to answer is fine though I would really like the stats if they exist. That would be super cool.

Thanks ahead of time for any help with this!

Best Answer

If you truly can run through the first 2 floors 3 times in the same time it would take for you to go through the last 3, you would have a completely identical chance of finding one no matter which way you do it. I would recommend going through the first 2 as it would be easier to not accidentally kill the caped bullet.

Pictures about "Caped bullet kin spawn chance per floor, best odds of finding them, speed running the first 2 floors or slowly completing the last 3?"

Caped bullet kin spawn chance per floor, best odds of finding them, speed running the first 2 floors or slowly completing the last 3? - A Person Wearing a White Shoes while Stepping on Wet Road
Caped bullet kin spawn chance per floor, best odds of finding them, speed running the first 2 floors or slowly completing the last 3? - Photo of Man and Woman Running
Caped bullet kin spawn chance per floor, best odds of finding them, speed running the first 2 floors or slowly completing the last 3? - Photo of Woman Moving Her Wheelchair

What is the chance of caped bullet kin spawning?

There's an 8% chance (according to the wiki, a few forum posts) that red-caped will spawn on the first floor in any room and he will replace normal bullet-kin (or at least I think, the 3 I already found spawned where bullet-kin would normally spawn so I assume they replace them).

How long does it take for a red caped bullet kin to disappear?

Multiple Red-Caped Bullet Kin can be found in a single run, and they are more likely to appear in later chambers. The Red-Caped Bullet Kin will despawn after waiting for 10\u201330 seconds. After waiting for 5 Red-Caped Bullet Kin to despawn, the Bullet will be unlocked and found in The Breach.

How do you get red caped bullet kin?

How to unlock the Bullet
  • Beat one character's Past.
  • Look for a caped Bullet Kin in subsequent runs.
  • Protect the caped Bullet Kin each time you see it.
  • Protect it five times.

  • Enter The Gungeon - 187 - Caped Bullet Kins

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Marcus Aurelius, cottonbro, Andrea Piacquadio, Marcus Aurelius