How do guns with multiple synergies work in Enter The Gungeon?

How do guns with multiple synergies work in Enter The Gungeon? - Unrecognizable man working on computer at home

Some guns in Enter the Gungeon have multiple possible synergies triggered by other items or gun. In some case these synergies enable an alternate mode for the gun.

For example, Heroine - a gun based on Samus Arran's arm cannon - has three different synergies for also possessing three specific other guns. Reloading with a full magazine when holding one of those guns enable a secondary mode for Heroine (reference on the wiki: link)

  • Ice Beam - If the player has Frost Bullets, enables Ice Beam mode, which fires a projectile that instantly freezes an enemy when fully charged.
  • Plasma Beam - If the player has Hot Lead, enables Plasma Beam mode, which fires a fire laser when uncharged and a large piercing fire projectile when charged.
  • Wave Beam - If the player has Shock Rounds, enables Wave Beam mode, which fires two wavy projectiles connected by electricity when uncharged, and a standard large Heroine shot when charged.

Megahand has a similar mechanic too, but offers even more alternate modes - eight. No surprise since the weapon is a reference to Megaman blaster.

The question is simple. Since the synergy is triggered by reloading the Heroine/Megahand gun while holding any of the three other guns... what happens if one posses more of one of those?

To put it more simply: what happens if the player qualifies for more than one of those synergy at the same time?

Best Answer

Based on this item showcase video on Youtube the answer is actually quite simple.

Reloading with a full ammo clip will simply allow to switch between every alternate mode currently available to the gun. So, assuming the player has Frost Bullets, Hot Lead and Shock Rounds... Heroine would just cycle between all three modes.

Heroine -> Ice Beam -> Plasma Beam -> Wave Beam -> Heroine

Cycling to a different alternate mode should not consume any additional ammo.

Pictures about "How do guns with multiple synergies work in Enter The Gungeon?"

How do guns with multiple synergies work in Enter The Gungeon? - Friendly ethnic male waiter serving clients in room and carrying tray with coffee while working in stylish hotel
How do guns with multiple synergies work in Enter The Gungeon? - Caution
How do guns with multiple synergies work in Enter The Gungeon? - Young ethnic male room service waiter carrying tray with coffee pot while entering hotel room with stylish vintage interior

How do synergies work in Enter the Gungeon?

Some items will produce a unique effect when held at the same time. A light blue arrow will appear above players for a short duration to show that a special combo has been activated. Synergies were significantly reworked in the Advanced Gungeons & Draguns Update.

Can you combine guns in Enter the Gungeon?

you only combine guns , by using duct tape .. You don't generally combine items, they just auotmatically get a bonus while you own both (that is, if you drop / sell one, you'll lose the bonus).

What is the strongest gun in Enter the Gungeon?

The 10 Best Enter The Gungeon Guns, Officially Ranked
  • 8 The Scrambler. ...
  • 7 Stinger. ...
  • 6 BSG. ...
  • 5 Dragunfire. ...
  • 4 Prototype Railgun. ...
  • 3 AU Gun. ...
  • 2 Vulcan Cannon. ...
  • 1 Fightsabre.

What do Lichs eye bullets do?

Unlock The Gunslinger. Once used by the lord of the Sixth Chamber as prosthetic eyes, though that may have been only for show. This pair of rounds radiates unfathomable magical power. Lich's Eye Bullets is a passive item.

Synergies.exe | Enter the Gungeon

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Anete Lusina, Andrea Piacquadio, Sima Ghaffarzadeh, Andrea Piacquadio