Does "Quality Joe" affect the drop rates of turds?

Does "Quality Joe" affect the drop rates of turds? - Black chalkboard with inscription on black background

In the game you need a lot of turds, in order to make Fertilizer. However, the toilets drop them very rarely. Does the perk Quality Joe or any other Perk affect the drop rate of turds?

Pictures about "Does "Quality Joe" affect the drop rates of turds?"

Does "Quality Joe" affect the drop rates of turds? - Overhead view of white inscription on center of chalkboard located on black background
Does "Quality Joe" affect the drop rates of turds? - From above composition of contrast blackboard in wooden frame with white USE YOUR PRIVILEGE TO OPT IN title on black background
Does "Quality Joe" affect the drop rates of turds? - Overhead view wooden frame with white inscription about social injustice on black background

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Images: Brett Sayles, Brett Sayles, Brett Sayles, Brett Sayles