Why can't I transfer my Pokemon from GBA to DS?

Why can't I transfer my Pokemon from GBA to DS? - Set of white carton packages on marble surface

I am encountering a problem transferring my Pokemon via the GBA slot in my Nintendo DS. I already checked that they are the same language and have the official Nintendo seal. Also, I've verified that my DS is real and that both cards have been inserted correctly.

What could cause my game to display the "Please insert Pokemon [all gba games] to enter" error?

Best Answer

Is this the same combination of DS card and GBA Cartridge? or are you trying different combinations?

Example: You are trying Diamond with Ruby. Have you got any alternative GBA or DS cartridges to test? Diamond and [any other GBA game] or [Any other DS game] and Ruby. As if a different game works, it's a cartridge issue; however if ANY combination won't work, it's a hardware or contact issue.

Is the DS detecting the GBA game in the slot when you start the console? as that's a key element, it needs to know it's there on startup. Can you play the GBA game on the DS at all? Can you save the game? Is the Clock running on the GBA game (potentially berry glitch or battery)?

If it reads the GBA game and can play it, i can't see any reason why it can't transfer to the DS - as it can obviously read and write from both slots if you can launch, load from, and save to both.

If a single cartridge combo won't work, there's the issue - check the GBA cartrdge contacts. If no combos work, or you can't launch/read from/write to any GBA game - then there's your issue, your DS's GBA reader is faulty. Check the contacts inside the DS then consider that the port itself may be dead.

Pictures about "Why can't I transfer my Pokemon from GBA to DS?"

Why can't I transfer my Pokemon from GBA to DS? - From above of orange usb to micro usb cable twisted into ring placed on black board
Why can't I transfer my Pokemon from GBA to DS? - From above concentrated young female checking address details on parcel label while sitting on floor with opened diary
Why can't I transfer my Pokemon from GBA to DS? - Anonymous man using smartphone while placing order with credit card sitting near cosmetic products

Can you transfer Pokemon from GBA to DS?

To begin the trade, insert both the GBA game and DS game of your choice into the console. Boot up the DS game and select the "Migrate from [GBA game name]" option in the menu. Say "Yes" to the option to migrate, then select six Pokemon to transfer. Load up your save game in the DS game then head to the Pal Park.

Can you link a GBA to a DS?

The Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite do not have a port for the Game Boy Advance Link Cable or Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter. Because of this, there is no way to play multiplayer Game Boy Advance games that require these accessories for multiplayer action.

How do I transfer GBA games to my 3DS?

A Nintendo 3DS/2DS/3DSXL/New3DS/New3DSXL....3rd gen to 4th gen
  • Step 1: Insert your GBA game to the GBAslot of your DS/DSLite.
  • Step 2: Insert your 4th gen DS game to the DS slot of your DS/DSLite.
  • Step 3: Start your 4th gen game and go the the Pal Park. ...
  • Step 4: Use the Pal Park to migrate 6 Pok\xe9mon from the GBA game.

  • How do I transfer GameBoy games to my DS?

    Put your copy of Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen into your DS's Game Boy Advance cartridge slot. Put your prepped Gen 4 game of choice in the DS cartridge slot. Turn it on and choose "Migrate Pokemon" from the main menu. Select your lucky Pokemon for the trip and away they go.

    Liz Phair - Why Can't I? (Official Video)

    More answers regarding why can't I transfer my Pokemon from GBA to DS?

    Answer 2

    You might want to check for dust in the GBA slot. If that doesn't work, look for out-of-place looking pieces in the slot, and if none of those work, you're gonna want to send it in to a shop or Nintendo.

    EDIT: You could always borrow a friend's DS or rent one if available.

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska, Liza Summer, Cup of Couple