Pokemon Platinum: Chaining in the old chateu

Pokemon Platinum: Chaining in the old chateu - Cyclone Fence in Shallow Photography

So according to this wikihow page, Chaining is encountering the same Pokémon repeatedly to better your chances of finding a shiny version. You have to KO the non-shinies until you find what your looking for.There are also a few other things of note, like distance of the next chain and ways the chain might be broken. But this speaks of chaining in fields of tall grass with the use of repel and the PokéRadar. But in Eterna Forest, there's the old chateu, inside aside from the Rotom which you only encounter in the TV in one of the rooms, you get only Gastlys So unless i'm mistaken about the basic concept of Chaining, it should be rather easy getting a shiny gastly there - not needing repel or the PokéRadar. So can I chain for a shiny gastly in the Old Chateu?

Edit: Apparently you can find Hauntar and even Gengar, but they are very rare and only appear in certain rooms with certain conditions.

Best Answer

Chaining requires the PokéRadar. Just encountering the same Pokémon multiple times in a row will not increase the chances of finding a shiny Pokémon.

Pictures about "Pokemon Platinum: Chaining in the old chateu"

Pokemon Platinum: Chaining in the old chateu - Brown Chains
Pokemon Platinum: Chaining in the old chateu - Brown and Gray Wooden Container
Pokemon Platinum: Chaining in the old chateu - Old Pocket Watch on Top of an Old Book

How do you solve the Old Chateau in Pokemon Platinum?

This optional location can only be accessed after you've earned the Forest Badge. Once you have that badge, you can use Cut outside of battle, which will allow you to cut down the saplings blocking your path towards the Chateau. Once you've done this, head north towards the building.

How do you get gengar in the Old Chateau in Pokemon Platinum?

Roar and Whirlwind are, without question, the most dangerous moves your target Pok\xe9mon can carry, as they are the only two moves that can break your chain.

Pokemon Platinum - Part 10 - The Old Chateau

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Travis Saylor, Miguel Á. Padriñán, David Bartus, cottonbro