What do the circle of stones represent?

What do the circle of stones represent? - A Lensball on a Stack of Stones

While I'm adventuring in the world, I've come across a circle of stones. It seems like they are some sort of ritual of the past or significant in some way, but I have not encountered anything that tells me what they are all about or what to do with them. Are they special in some way or represent anything?

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Best Answer

If you look closely at these formations, they aren't circles; they're elongated and have points, shaped like a longship, which is what they're meant to symbolize. What you've found is a Viking graveyard, and underneath it you can find skeletal remains and treasure.

This concept is taken directly from the real world, with stone ships like this scattered around Scandinavia and the Baltic coast, with some dating back to the Nordic Bronze Age, and a lot of the older examples found in Gotland, Sweden. Little concrete is known about their purpose as surviving records are lacking, but one hypothesis is they were intended to symbolically equip warriors in the afterlife as they were in life.


Pictures about "What do the circle of stones represent?"

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What do the circle of stones represent? - Curling stone placed in house on ice rink

Are stone circles Celtic?

Stone circles, such as Callanish in Scotland, are mysterious structures that served the ancient peoples of Britain, Ireland, and Brittany \u2013 and were likely appropriated by the Celtic druids upon their arrival.

What is the significance of standing stones?

What do they mean? The purpose of these stones is a puzzle that modern day archaeologists can only speculate over; these ancient sites may forever remain shrouded in mystery. Many sites are believed to have been used for religious or ceremonial purposes. Let your imagination take you back thousands of years in time.

Where are the rocks in a circle?

Stones of Stenness Circle and Henge, Orkney, Scotland The ring-like structure of the Stones of Stenness Circle on the West Mainland of Orkney is even older than Stonehenge. Part of the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site, the 12 tall stones were erected here some time between 3000 and 2500 BC.

Why are there so many stone circles in the UK?

There are more than 1,300 stone circles in Britain, Ireland, and Brittany alone. Their purpose is often mysterious, but it is believed that many were used for religious rituals. We gathered 15 other stone circles \u2014 one of which is underwater \u2014 that demonstrate the diversity of neolithic monuments.

How and Why were Stone Circles Built? | History of Britain

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Images: Viktoria Emilia, Laker, Charlotte May, SHVETS production