Can I catch fish in Valheim with a bow, spear, or by hand?

Can I catch fish in Valheim with a bow, spear, or by hand? - Person Holding Small Fish

Please, no spoilers. My friend and I are very much enjoying the "explore & discover" aspects of this game and I don't want to ruin that. I accidentally spoiled myself already by trying to answer this by google search - so please, no (more) spoilers.

We already know that somewhere (near the world's edge, we think) there is a Trader. We have not found him (although last night we went on a trip to the edge of the world and promptly fell off, complete with our boat and all of our best gear). My earlier google search indicated that the Trader sells fishing rods.

So, my question... is there any other way to hunt fish? They don't seem to be susceptible to spears (thrown or stabbing) or to arrows (at least, not wooden or flint ones).

Again, please minimize spoilers - "yes" and "no" are perfect, although if I'm missing something with spear/bow fishing and it is possible, some guidance would be nice.

*: I don't consider "looking for fish that washed up on shore" to be "hunting".

Best Answer


Once you reach the trader, you can buy a fishing pole, which will let you fish. The pole itself costs 350 gold, and you can also buy bait at a rate of 10 gold per 50 bait (each cast costs 1 bait).

You can also:

Kill sea serpents for their meat, although it's not the generic fish meat, it is a special kind of meat. Harpoons can help with this, as well as a good bow and arrow.

Pictures about "Can I catch fish in Valheim with a bow, spear, or by hand?"

Can I catch fish in Valheim with a bow, spear, or by hand? - Photo of a Yellow Perch on a Person's Fingers
Can I catch fish in Valheim with a bow, spear, or by hand? - Person Holding a Largemouth Bass
Can I catch fish in Valheim with a bow, spear, or by hand? - Photograph of a Person's Hand Catching a Fish

What is the fastest way to catch fish in Valheim?

How to fish in Valheim
  • Go to a body of water.
  • Use the attack button (defaulted to left mouse) to cast your line. Holding attack will charge the rod and throw it further.
  • When the bobber disappears underwater, a fish has latched onto it. ...
  • Click the use button to pick up the fish.

  • Can you catch fish in Valheim?

    Where and how to catch fish in Valheim. Fish can be caught in rivers and in the Ocean biome. You should be able to see them quite easily from the shore or your boat, so pick a good spot near a well-populated area to begin fishing. Equip your fishing rod and fish bait in your inventory (be sure to remember the latter).

    How do you fish in the ocean Valheim?

    Catching A Fish Without A Fishing Rod There's no doubt that using a fishing rod is the ideal way of fishing in Valheim. However, it is still possible to fish without one. All you have to do is approach very shallow waters and use the "use" button to grab a fish before it swims away.

    Valheim | How To Make a Fish Farm | Tips and Tricks

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Rui Dias, Michal Dziekonski, Michal Dziekonski, max laurell