Is there a share code for this Aim Arena/Sniper's Alley custom game?

Is there a share code for this Aim Arena/Sniper's Alley custom game? - From above of granite curling stone and broom placed on ice sheet in house with colorful target area in playing area

Screenshot of unknown custom game down length of map corridor

Does anyone have and can generate a share code for the sort of Aim Arena custom game seen in this video?

The map must be from the Sniper's Alley (share code NA900) custom game.

Differences/key features:

  • Damage dealt HUD
  • Choice of hero
  • Instant respawn

Currently I play on share code XAFPE. It's my balanced version of Aim Arena Z v3.3 by Gantz (59FF9). AA Z v3.3 has choice of hero and instant respawn but not the other features.

Pictures about "Is there a share code for this Aim Arena/Sniper's Alley custom game?"

Is there a share code for this Aim Arena/Sniper's Alley custom game? - Curling stones in target area
Is there a share code for this Aim Arena/Sniper's Alley custom game? - From above of heavy multicolored granite curling stones and long brush placed on ice with circular target area in arena
Is there a share code for this Aim Arena/Sniper's Alley custom game? - Granite curling stones with handles and long brooms placed on circular target area on ice sheet in arena with blue columns

THE ARENA Tutorial

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: SHVETS production, SHVETS production, SHVETS production, SHVETS production