How do hunter perks work?

How do hunter perks work? - Brown Tree Trunk on Green Grass

Do I need to kill wildlife or something to get them or all three of them are active from start to finish? I tried to google it but with the release of stage 2 most of these guides seems outdated.

perk ss

Pictures about "How do hunter perks work?"

How do hunter perks work? - Hunting
How do hunter perks work? - Yawn of a hungry leopard
How do hunter perks work? - Close-Up Photography of Tiger

How do you use perks in the Hunter?

This can be done through harvesting animals, discovering outposts and points of interest, and completing missions. At the moment, the level cap is 60 with maximum Skill and Perk Points capped at 22 each. With every new level reached, the player receives a point they can spend on skills or perks.

Skills \u0026 Perks Setup For Noobs! | theHunter: Call Of The Wild

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Mikhail Nilov, Frans van Heerden, Sam Kim, GEORGE DESIPRIS