Does Evolve use horizontal or vertical FOV?

Does Evolve use horizontal or vertical FOV? - From above of half of sliced ripe grapefruit with tampon in center showing use of feminine product during menstruation

I try to use 107 horizontal FOV in every game I play, around the same as in Valve games (16:9 monitor). 107 in Evolve is far higher, the world looks warped. Does Evolve use vertical FOV?

Best Answer

Better FOV controls in Evolve is a feature players always asked for.

If you are using only one monitor 16:9 try to set your FOV near 90 and adjust it to your comfort. Just with the Monster I was able to use a higher FOV without affect gameplay negatively.

The game was made with low FOV in mind (60 if I remember well) and when they update it with a FOV slider it was to deal with multiple monitors setup or to wide wide screens (21:9).

I used to set my FOV at 120 in almost all games, but some of them affect really bad hit detection when you shoot.

Pictures about "Does Evolve use horizontal or vertical FOV?"

Does Evolve use horizontal or vertical FOV? - From above of crop anonymous female demonstrating on sliced ripe grapefruit correct use of tampon against blue background
Does Evolve use horizontal or vertical FOV? - Crop anonymous female using laptop and sitting near friend reading magazine on terrace of cafe in daytime
Does Evolve use horizontal or vertical FOV? - Serious black man using laptop at home

Do most games use horizontal or vertical FOV?

One difference that often causes confusion is the measurement of FOV - most titles will expose the number horizontally, some games however, measure FOV in the vertical. Horizontal is by far the more common way of it being exposed to users.

Is FOV horizontal or vertical?

The field of view is usually given as an angle for the horizontal or vertical component of the FOV. A larger angle indicates a larger field of view. However, depending on the FOV scaling method used by the game, it may only affect the horizontal or the vertical component of the field of view.

Is overwatch horizontal FOV?

Overwatch uses a horizontal Field of View Do not forget this difference if you are trying to set the same field of view in all your games. In specific, Overwatch uses a horizontal field of view based on the 16:9 aspect ratio.

4:3 VS 16:9 - What FOV do the pros use?

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Images: Laker, Laker, Sam Lion, Any Lane