Does Kylo Ren's "Resilience" ability refer to an enemy or an ally?

Does Kylo Ren's "Resilience" ability refer to an enemy or an ally? - Mosaic Alien on Wall

The card text of Kylo Ren's Resilience abilit reads as follow:

Whenever Kylo Ren is in close proximity of another villain he is strengthened and deals more damage with his lightsaber strikes.

But as we know from Heroes vs. Villain playmodem, the light side heroes are refered to as heroes and the dark side heroes as villains.

So does the boost of his card trigger, when he is close to an enemy hero? Or does it mean it triggers when he is close to an allied villain?

Best Answer

It triggers when he is close to an allied villain.

Villain is just the classification/name for "dark side hero" in Battlefront 2, an enemy hero is not considered a "Villain" when you are playing dark side.

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Does Kylo Ren's "Resilience" ability refer to an enemy or an ally? - Motivational Phrases for Mental Health

Kylo Ren Explained (Star Wars: The Force Awakens Explored)

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Francesco Ungaro, cottonbro, Eva Bronzini, Tara Winstead