Do Chain Notes count as multiple notes?

Do Chain Notes count as multiple notes? - Photo of Woman Taking Notes

Beat Saber 1.20 added Chain Notes which are made up of multiple small note blocks. When looking at the notes per second for a track on the song selection screen, does a Chain Note count as a single note or multiple notes?

A Chain Note

Pictures about "Do Chain Notes count as multiple notes?"

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Do Chain Notes count as multiple notes? - Flatlay Photo Of Weekly Planner
Do Chain Notes count as multiple notes? - High-Angle Shot of a Notebook and a Pen Beside a Mobile Phone

What are arc and chain notes?

Arcs appear as thin lines that help guide you through certain block patterns. And Chains represent a new type of block, one that's split into several smaller sections. To earn points for completing a Chain, you must slash through all of its pieces.

Arc And Chain Notes Tutorial | Beat Saber Explained

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Ivan Samkov, Alexander Mils, Tara Winstead, Ivan Samkov