Can I earn achievements while playing custom songs?

Can I earn achievements while playing custom songs? - Black children musician playing song on street

Beat Saber has achievements for clearing songs under certain conditions. (Get full combo on any level on expert difficulty, clear any level with battery energy modifier, etc.)

Can these achievements be earned while playing custom songs? Or are they limited to official tracks?

Best Answer

Looking around I do not see songs specifically made for the easy achievements, but I see multiple mentions of songs that I'm pretty sure are not of the official tracklist of beatsaber.

So I guess yes. You can get achievements from custom/modded songs.

Pictures about "Can I earn achievements while playing custom songs?"

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Can I earn achievements while playing custom songs? - Black Vinyl Record on White Table
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Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Brett Sayles, Andrea Piacquadio, cottonbro, cottonbro