Crafting writ not registering as completed

Crafting writ not registering as completed - Children Doing Art Projects

Yesterday I picked up a writ for jewelcrafting. The requirement was 2 pewter necklaces.

I crafted 1 of the most simple type (the least number of resources). The text appeared in the middle of the screen, updating my progress to 1/2 necklaces crafted. The second necklace I crafted using the highest amount of pewter I could choose, resulting in a necklace my character can't equip yet. The text never appeared, the quest progress remained 1/2.

I'm positive I crafted the correct item twice. I tried to craft another which didn't register either and even logged in and out and waited a few minutes. I'll need to try again later when I have mined more pewter.

My game installation is standard, no mods or changes. Has anyone encountered this before? Is there a way to fix it?

Best Answer

This shouldn't happen. Are you 100% sure both necklaces are identical? They have to be white quality with no traits (the level doesn't matter as long as it's the correct material). Also make sure you don't have any other items of the same quality/level crafted by another character in inventory.

If it still doesn't progress properly, keep the crafted items in your inventory, but abandon the quest and pick it up once again. It should complete straight away as long as the items were crafted by your character.

Pictures about "Crafting writ not registering as completed"

Crafting writ not registering as completed - Group of Student Doing Their Projects Together
Crafting writ not registering as completed - Children Doing an Art Project
Crafting writ not registering as completed - Boy and Girl Cutting Colored Paper

ESO Beginner Guide - Crafting Writs and Master Writs Explained How to Complete and Rewards!

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Vanessa Loring, Vanessa Loring, Vanessa Loring, Vanessa Loring