Why is Kalista such a better pick on red side? (Heard on LEC Summer Split 2020)

Why is Kalista such a better pick on red side? (Heard on LEC Summer Split 2020) - Crop unrecognizable man with basket of coffee berries

Kalista seems to be considered by casters such a strong pick on red side, so much so that most teams on blue side are forced to ban it, unless they feel so comfortable playing it that they can take it themselves first (but casters insinuate this is not usually the case, meaning it must be qute a bit stronger on red side).

I've seen this question, Why are some champions considered to be better at blue/red side?

And this answer:

But still, even though some things I already imagined are mentioned (Dragon side, tribush, etc) I wanted a specific answer on Kalista's case from someone who follows the current LoL and LEC meta, and some other examples of picks whose priority to ban/pick changes depending on side.

Best Answer

Terrain and objective control play a major factor here.

First, let's talk about laning phase.

Bot lane (where Kalista is normally found in professional play nowadays) is inherently safer when played from red side. Have a look at bot lane's map, where I've highlighted popular jungler ganking paths for each side. The red lines are red side's ganking paths, the blue lines are blue side's.

Bot lane

It's simply easier to gank bot lane as a red side jungler than a blue side jungler (similar to how it's easier to gank top lane as a blue side jungler than as a red side jungler.) This makes Kalista (who already handles ganks rather poorly and is relatively immobile early) a much safer pick. Blue side has to tower dive if they want to gank from anywhere but the river.

This is why you see a lot of blue side ADC's that have escapes and don't necessarily scale as well like Ezreal; they need to be able to handle red side jungle pressure. On the flip side, you're afforded more safety on red side. This allows you to play champions like Kog Maw, Jhin, and Kai'sa on red side. These champions have little safety but scale very well.

So put a scale heavy champion like Kalista on red side, and not only does her jungler have a much easier time assisting her, she's much safer from enemy junglers. Give Kalista a tanky, engage-heavy support, and you have a mean bot lane with a lot of kill potential if the jungler pays attention.

Let's talk about objective control next.

Have a look at Summoner's Rift. I've detailed a few things on it to better base my explanation from. Red lines are where red side can path around the objectives, blue lines are where blue side can path.

Summoner's Rift

In the lower right part of the map is dragon. With Kalista's E, Rend and terrain advantage (ease of access to the dragon pit) early dragon takedowns are not only possible, they're easy when on red side.

From the question regarding Red vs Blue side, this answer mentions:

Also champions like Lee sin that can just jump into the pit to steal it are slightly stronger when played on the blue side, since the jungle behind dragon is Blue-Territory and thus much safer for Blue team. Trying to steal a Dragon during Early and midgame is usually much harder for Purple Team than for the blue team.

Which is true. However, with Kalista's E damage in combination with her jungler's smite, she should be able to out-smite any other jungler trying to steal.

This advantage becomes even more impactful when you consider Elder Dragon, which presents a very impactful late game buff.

With the ability for Kalista to securely scale into mid and late game (hopefully with a few dragons under her team's belt), she should be able to abuse her relevance as the game continues.

The yellow star indicates Baron Nashor. You'll notice that blue side has an easier time accessing the baron pit, but if Kalista's team is capable of getting onto baron before blue side, this is where Kalista's E once again comes into play. Being able to Smite + Kalista E baron at the same time constitutes a major secure potential.

There are other things we can talk about... Like how blue side doesn't want to play Kalista as badly because of the jungle threat, and the fact that Kalista is simply pretty powerful at the moment, but those seem tangential in comparison to the above explanations.

Pictures about "Why is Kalista such a better pick on red side? (Heard on LEC Summer Split 2020)"

Why is Kalista such a better pick on red side? (Heard on LEC Summer Split 2020) - Crop anonymous male standing near branches with leaves while collecting ripe coffee beans in wicker basket during harvesting season in forest
Why is Kalista such a better pick on red side? (Heard on LEC Summer Split 2020) - Content man harvesting coffee berries in verdant plantation
Why is Kalista such a better pick on red side? (Heard on LEC Summer Split 2020) - Focused male in hat standing with wicker basket full of ripe coffee beans standing near green branches in forest on blurred background

Does side matter in League of Legends?

In any League of Legends game, the blue side has a higher chance of winning after any given objective than the red side. It's a bold statement but it's backed up by statistics. In fact, the last time the red side had a higher win rate than the blue side was June 2016.

Is first pick blue side?

The blue side picks first and bans first.

Why do I keep getting red side lol?

Red side usually has the higher mmr players, while blue side has lower mmr players. While the whole thing with red is higher mmr might not seem fair, there are two things to remember. The first is that blue side advantage doesn't realistically decide the outcome of most games.

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Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Michael Burrows, Michael Burrows, Michael Burrows, Michael Burrows