what is the impact of faction support and character level on game?

what is the impact of faction support and character level on game? - Inscription My body my rules against gray background

In Necromunda - Hired Gun you can do side jobs for various factions: from lowly gangs to Inquisition and Chaos Cults. You can see the how much they like you in the "Factions" tab

enter image description here

But what is the impact of those levels on the gameplay? Do you get better missions from factions that like you more?

In a similar fashion, I can see sometimes that my character "has gained a level". In other games, it would obviously mean that my character became stronger, but AFAIK the only way to make yourself stronger is by getting better gear. Or am I wrong here?

Pictures about "what is the impact of faction support and character level on game?"

what is the impact of faction support and character level on game? - Person Wearing Green Pants and Black Boots
what is the impact of faction support and character level on game? - Group of people in masks on protest
what is the impact of faction support and character level on game? - From below of crop multiethnic team of professional basketball players gathering and putting hands together while standing on playground before game

What is faction support and how do I manage it?

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Laker, cottonbro, Brett Sayles, Andrea Piacquadio