What happens if two win conditions are fulfilled on the same turn in Civ VI?

What happens if two win conditions are fulfilled on the same turn in Civ VI? -  Silhouette Photography Of Jump Shot Of Two Persons

I understand that you can only win once in Civ VI, but what happens if for example the culture and religion win conditions are fulfilled on the start of the same turn? Are they ranked? Which cinematic scene is shown and how does the game decide between them?

Pictures about "What happens if two win conditions are fulfilled on the same turn in Civ VI?"

What happens if two win conditions are fulfilled on the same turn in Civ VI? - Positive young women having fun in old fashioned diner
What happens if two win conditions are fulfilled on the same turn in Civ VI? - Handshake Between Two People
What happens if two win conditions are fulfilled on the same turn in Civ VI? - Back view of crop anonymous male driving contemporary transport while turning steering wheel in daylight

Can you win multiple victories in Civ 6?

Essentially, you must be the last "survivor," not necessarily the conqueror. If you end up losing your original capital but not your other cities, you can still win in every other victory condition. However, unless you recapture your capital, you are disqualified from a Domination Victory.

Can you continue Civ 6 after victory?

Yes, you can keep playing, and yes, I believe the AI will continue "playing" as well. And yes, you can select or deselect any of the five victory options when setting up a game. Well.... i played a game for about 10 Hours, with no winning Options enabled rather then to kill all enemys.

How does victory work in Civ 6?

Time or Score victory A game lasts until the year 2050, or 500 turns on a standard game. To achieve a Score victory, a player's civilization must survive to the end of the game and acquire the highest score. This victory by definition takes the longest to complete.

What turn should you win by Civ 6?

The early game of Civilization 6 is more flexible than previous entries in the series thanks to the many, varied bonuses enjoyed by leaders and civs alike, but three cities by turn 60-70 is a reasonable aim.

Civilization VI ► 10 Things on Religion \u0026 Religious Wars in Civ 6!

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Jill Wellington, EVG Kowalievska, Ron Lach, Skylar Kang