What console is this light gun and controller from?

What console is this light gun and controller from? - From above of crop unrecognizable male with console controller playing video game in living room


Can you identify the early gaming system these controllers were shipped with?

What I remember is that the two hand units (essentially rotary encoders) and the light-gun hooked up to a CRT TV via a base-station. I think it was some magnavox odyssey clone. The console thing was bought in Europe, I believe circa 1981.

Pictures about "What console is this light gun and controller from?"

What console is this light gun and controller from? - Bright gamepads for playing computer games
What console is this light gun and controller from? - Buttons of modern music console
What console is this light gun and controller from? - Crop unrecognizable man with joystick playing video game while sitting against table with modern headset in house room

Nothing else comes close to this - Sinden Light Gun

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Eren Li, Caleb Oquendo, Caleb Oquendo, Eren Li