What are the secret achievements in Day of the Tentacle?

What are the secret achievements in Day of the Tentacle? - Focused African American traveler lending hand for faceless backpacker next to tree in forest in daytime

I have bought the remastered version of Day of the Tentacle (DOTT) via Steam. While I completed the adventure, I have not unlocked all achievements.

And, unfortunately, those achievements are secret, so I have no idea which jokes I was missing. What are the secret achievements of DOTT remastered on Steam?

Best Answer

Based on the list mentioned by @agent86, I constructed the following lists.

I played the game straight forward without trying to do anything else than win and I got the following achievements. So I consider these as "not really secret", because you must find them to win.

  • Number One (DE: Nummer 1)
  • Number Two (DE: Nummer 2)
  • Flush (DE: Klospülung)
  • Yesterday's News (DE: Neues von Gestern)
  • Mental patience (DE: Mentale Ausdauer)
  • Rap sheet: Trespasser (DE: Strafregister: Eindringling)
  • Rap sheet: Yegg (DE: Strafregister: Tresorknacker)
  • Rap sheet: Cheat (DE: Strafregister: Mogler)
  • Rap sheet: Vandal (DE: Strafregister: Vandale)
  • Rap sheet: Thief (DE: Strafregister: Dieb)
  • Rap sheet: Kleptomaniac (DE: Strafregister: Kleptomane)
  • Rap sheet: Adventure Gamer (DE: Strafregister: Adventure-Experte)
  • Moronic drone (DE: Fleißige Aushilfe)
  • Only Hoagie can make a tree (DE: Nur Hoagie kann einen Baum erschaffen)
  • Only George can destroy a tree (DE: Nur George kann einen Baum zerstören)
  • Windsock it to me (DE: Ein Tentakel im Wind)
  • Obvious, really... (DE: Echt offensichtlich...)
  • Not raised in barn (DE: Keine Säcke vor der Tür)
  • Novelty enthusiast (DE: Scherzkeks)
  • WWSCD? (DE: Schornsteinfeger)
  • Costume quest (DE: Ist schon Fasching)
  • Chateau Eau Neaux (DE: Braumeister)
  • It's a honor just to compete (DE: Dabeisein ist alles)
  • It's a honor just to compete but winning is better (DE: Dabeisein ist alles, aber Gewinnen ist besser)
  • Behind every great man is a quality roadie (DE: Hinter jedem großen Mann steht ein toller Roadie)
  • That should have worked (DE: Das hätte funktionieren sollen)
  • Coffee achiever (DE: Verdammt guter Kaffee)
  • Of course it would still weigh the same (DE: Natürlich wäre er noch gleich schwer)
  • Don't try this at home (DE: Bitte nicht nachmachen)
  • Oh right, I'm playing cartoon! (DE: Stimmt ja, ich bin ein Trickfilm)
  • You suck (DE: Supersauger)
  • Dialog puzzles are hard (DE: Dialogrätsel sind schwierig)
  • Dude, it's like cannibalism (DE: Heißhunger)

This leaves me with 25 remaining achievements, from which only one was mentioned in advance:

  • OCD (DE: Sammelwut)

And 24 that I consider as secret:

  1. Games History Major (DE: Abschluss in Videospielgeschichte)
  2. Olive Branch (DE: Friedensangebot)
  3. ... Take on the Words! (DE: Wortschwall)
  4. We're all brothers (DE: Wir sind alle Brüder)
  5. That only works with alligators (DE: Das funktioniert nur mit Alligatoren)
  6. And then the universe explodes (DE: Und dann explodiert das Universum)
  7. Energy Conscious (DE: Energiebewusst)
  8. Are you a mummy? (DE: Bist Du meine Mumie)
  9. Voiding the warranty (DE: Erloschener Garantieanspruch)
  10. Rap sheet: fraud (DE: Strafregister: Betrüger)
  11. And then the universe implodes (DE: Und dann implodiert das Universum)
  12. Now you're pushing it (DE: Das muss nun wirklich nicht sein)
  13. You call that a hint (DE: Das soll ein Hinweis sein?)
  14. That joke never gets old (DE: Der Witz wird nie alt)
  15. Missing Pink (DE: Ich hasse Pink)
  16. Rap sheet: Forger (DE: Strafregister: Fälscher)
  17. I'm sure he'd never notice (DE: Das würde er nie bemerken)
  18. Can't win and chew gum at the same time (DE: Entweder Kaugummi kauen oder gewinnen)
  19. Master Plumber (DE: Klemptnermeister)
  20. Most annoying guest ever (DE: Der nervigste Gast)
  21. ESRB violation (DE: Problem mit der USK)
  22. Alas, our lazy speechwriters didn't cover this (DE: Tja, unsere faulen Schreiberlinge haben da was übersehen)
  23. Music appreciation award (DE: Musikliebhaber)
  24. Chef (DE: Koch)

Once I know how to unlock them, I hopefully remind myself of posting the solution as a spoiler.

Pictures about "What are the secret achievements in Day of the Tentacle?"

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How do you get the diamond in Day of the Tentacle?

Fred gets rich so go to the Suicidal Dwayne's room and use the TV to view a Diamond ad. Now use a phone (in either Suicidal Dwayne's room or Dr. Fred's office), while making sure you have the Swiss Bank Account. Use the phone and buy the diamond.

Is there a Day of the Tentacle 2?

In 2018, a fan-made sequel, Return of the Tentacle, was released free by a team from Germany. The game imitates the art style of the Remastered edition and features full voice acting.

Can you play Maniac Mansion in Day of the Tentacle?

Speaking to Shacknews at IndieCade, Double Fine VP of Development Matt Hansen made sure to point out that the full Maniac Mansion game is indeed fully intact within Day of the Tentacle Remastered. For those that played the original Day of the Tentacle, it's in the exact same spot as it was before.

What do you do with chattering teeth on Day of the Tentacle?

Go through the door into the convention room and Open the Grating. Go to the Chattering Teeth and follow them to trap it in the grating and then Pick them up. Go through the Swinging door into the Break area and pick up the Fork, Coffee, and Decaf. Head into the door to the right and get the Funnel from the Cabinet.

Day of the Tentacle Remastered - 100% Achievement/Trophy Guide! + Full Walkthrough

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Kamaji Ogino, Allan Mas, Pixabay, Miguel Á. Padriñán