Weird white lines on my Gameboy screen

Weird white lines on my Gameboy screen - Big Cinema Screen on Stage

So, today I was playing the game Pokemon Red on my Nintendo Gameboy and I went to the Pokemon Center to heal my Pokemon, and then go to the pc to check my other Pokemon. When I got to the pc, I deposited a zubat, and then used withdrawal to check all the other Pokemon that I had caught. When I went into the withdrawal screen some lines were empty, while others had scrambled text. My deposited zubat looked normal, though. Every time I clicked on one of those scrambled pieces of text, it sometimes showed me a screen with lots of small images on it (sprites for the game?) and then just showed me a white screen. I turned on and off my Gameboy and went into the game. Shortly after I did that, a horizontal white line appeared on the screen. Every few minutes another white line appeared. At the time of me writing this, there are 4 lines on my screen. Even now that I am trying to play the game, as I walk, there seem to be more lines. Now, this is the point where things start getting really weird. I decided to try withdrawing another pokemon with a scrambled name. This one appeared to be a spearrow. Surprisingly, it worked. Then I tried another Pokemon. This one was an Oddish, but it had no name. As soon as I deposited the Oddish, my game crashed and the screen turned white. I wondered what would happen if I put Pokemon Red on my older, other Gameboy. My older Gameboy has vertical white lines off to the side, kind of what my other Gameboy has. The Pokemon names were still broken, and there were no new lines coming on the screen except for the older ones. I decided to put in Super Mario Land 2, and something weird happened. The vertical lines on my old Gameboy's screen just disappeared. I tried this on my other Gameboy, but no such luck.

My questions are: What are the lines, how do I remove them, why are the names in the pc scrambled, and how do I fix them?

NOTES: I have not performed any glitches. All my Pokemon in my party are between lvl. 10 and lvl. 20. I have 1 badge, and I am working on the second one. Currently, I am in Cerulean City.

EDIT: Here are some photos. The first one is with me turning up the contrast, and the second is with the corrupted text. Sorry for the low quality!

White Lines

Corrupted text

Pictures about "Weird white lines on my Gameboy screen"

Weird white lines on my Gameboy screen - White Textile
Weird white lines on my Gameboy screen - Silver Imac Near White Ceramic Kettle
Weird white lines on my Gameboy screen - Man in White Dress Shirt Sitting on Black Rolling Chair While Facing Black Computer Set and Smiling

How do I fix my Gameboy screen with lines?

Many retro consoles are prone to wear and tear and the Nintendo Game Boy from 1989 is no exception. The Game Boy is comprised of two motherboards that connect with a ribbon cable. Over time, the wires in this cable can deteriorate causing vertical lines to appear on the display.

What causes lines on a Gameboy screen?

The screen resolution was the same as the original Game Boy, which is 160\xd7144 pixels.

How to FIX Vertical Lines on a DMG Gameboy Screen

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Bence Szemerey, gdtography,, Andrea Piacquadio