Roblox is lagging

Roblox is lagging - Brown Wood Logs on Brown Soil

I have been lagging in Roblox and it happens every time I log in.
The symptoms of the lagging include:

  • colors going haywire
  • text blurring (even my name)
  • and eventually Roblox crashes

I have tried:

  • restarting my device
  • closing Roblox
  • and updating my version

Any help would be awesome.

Pictures about "Roblox is lagging"

Roblox is lagging - Man in Black Suit Jacket Beside Woman in Gray Knit Sweater
Roblox is lagging - Elderly People Leaning on Tree Log
Roblox is lagging - Person in Black Pants and Brown Hiking Shoes

Why is my Roblox so laggy?

Roblox is an online game. If you have a poor internet connection, it can affect your game. If your internet connection is lagging, unplug your modem or router and plug it back in to restart it. Then wait a few minutes for it to reboot.


Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Yan Krukov, cottonbro, cottonbro, Darina Belonogova