Playstation 4 compatibilities with VR headsets

Playstation 4 compatibilities with VR headsets - A Person Playing a Video Game using an Aim Controller

I am considering getting a VR headset. I am also considering finally getting the PS4.

I won't be choosing the headset merely for whether it's compatible with PS4; There are other uses that are more important to me, for reasons which I can not get the PS VR

I guess the choice, then, is between Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. So the questions become:

  1. Which of these are compatible with PS4 games
  2. Is there such a thing as "PS4 games compatibility" or is it an individual matter?
  3. Are there other VR headset alternatives?

Sorry if the questions seem ignorant; I don't know much about the world of VR.

Best Answer

The only headset compatible with PS4 is PSVR. None of the other VR headsets will work at all with PS4.

Pictures about "Playstation 4 compatibilities with VR headsets"

Playstation 4 compatibilities with VR headsets - A Person Wearing a VR Headset Carrying an Aim Controller
Playstation 4 compatibilities with VR headsets - A Person Holding a PlayStation VR Aim Controller
Playstation 4 compatibilities with VR headsets - Woman Using Vr Goggles Outdoors

Can you use any VR headset for ps4?

More answers regarding playstation 4 compatibilities with VR headsets

Answer 2

No, only the Playstation VR Hardware can be used on the PS4.

Is it possible to connect the Vive to my PS4? - Reddit


Is there anyway to make my Oculus Rift work with my PS4? - Reddit

There is not no. Only thing that supports the PS4 is the PSVR hmd.

The Rift will only work with a Windows PC, running the correct runtime


Try to understand that it's not just another video display. To handle all of the proper tracking mechanics that the Rift hardware uses, it requires special runtime drivers. The PS4 simply doesn't have any of that software.

ofcause, it might be possible to get them to work by hacking your PS4 if a way has been found, However even then Sony officially supports it's own VR Headset as such you can get support from Sony and a reasonable guarantee that any PS4 VR Game is going to work with the Playstation VR Hardware

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Pavel Danilyuk, Pavel Danilyuk, Artem Podrez, Bradley Hook