Is Warframe slowing down my laptop?

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Recently I downloaded Warframe. Since then I noticed my computer was doing poorly at multitasking. For example, downloading a WoT update and opening Armor Games in the Chrome Browser. I think Warframe might be slowing down my laptop because it seemed to handle multitasking much better before. The specs of my laptop can be found here. I used Steam to install Warframe on the Data D: hard drive. I installed it here because my Acer C: SSD was getting close to full. One of my friends suggested opening Task Manager and updating the priority of Steam so it would download faster, so I did. My question is this: Is Warframe slowing down my laptop? If so is there anything I can do about it?

Pictures about "Is Warframe slowing down my laptop?"

Is Warframe slowing down my laptop? - A Woman in White Long Sleeves Typing on Her Laptop
Is Warframe slowing down my laptop? - 2 Boys Playing on the Floor
Is Warframe slowing down my laptop? - A Woman Lying in Bed with a Laptop

Can laptops run Warframe?

Even older computers and laptops can help you and the Tenno in their ongoing war efforts. Players can look to run Warframe on their PC if they have at least a GeForce 8600 GT or Radeon HD 3600 in their GPU slot.

How do I make Warframe run smoother on my laptop?

Things I've done to solve the issue:
  • Set everything to Low in the game options.
  • Set everything to Low in the AMD Control Center.
  • Closed other windows.
  • Disabled running the game in 64-bit mode and switched Multithreading to the opposite of whatever it is currently set.

  • Does Warframe take up a lot of space?

    In the grand scheme of PC gaming file sizes, Warframe isn't even near the top of the list of worst offenders. Digital Extremes' game takes up somewhere around 42 GB for most people, while games like Fortnite take up around 130 GB, and Modern Warfare takes up nearly 200GB.

    Does Steam app slow down your computer?

    Originally Answered: Does Steam slow down your computer? Yes, every program does. But Steam is not considered demanding by any means by modern computers. The worst Steam will do is use RAM but only because you're on the Chromium side of Steam (such as the Store or the new Library).

    How to Fix Warframe Crashing on PC

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: ANTONI SHKRABA, Mikhail Nilov, Anil Sharma, Michelle Jennifer Gabriel