Is there a way to run a command when the player joins the SINGLEPLAYER world?

Is there a way to run a command when the player joins the SINGLEPLAYER world? - Hurdle painted in white black and red colors placed on empty rubber running track in soft focus

I'm wondering if there's a way to run a command when someone joins a Single player world, I'm a upcoming map maker and I making my first map, I have lots of experience with Redstone but never got this far before. Currently I have different modes like: Extreme Mode, Easy Mode.

Back to the point, I need to know this because I want the player to get teleported when they join, Essentially if the player played before, And is 'far' into the map to go back to the start. I'm also making the map fully customizable with the ability to make the player die when they touch a certain block, And get their spawn point set when they touch another certain block, I've been working on this for 8 hours straight. So please answer asap.

Pictures about "Is there a way to run a command when the player joins the SINGLEPLAYER world?"

Is there a way to run a command when the player joins the SINGLEPLAYER world? - Baseball Player in Gray and Black Uniform Running
Is there a way to run a command when the player joins the SINGLEPLAYER world? - Soccer Match
Is there a way to run a command when the player joins the SINGLEPLAYER world? - Woman Wearing Blue and Black Jersey Holding Field Hockey

How do you execute a command when a player joins Minecraft?

If you only want it to run the command the first time they join, try this:
  • Run this in the chat: /scoreboard objectives add joined dummy.
  • In command blocks on a fill clock: /scoreboard players add @a joined 0 /execute @a[score_joined=0] ~ ~ ~ [command you want to run]

  • Can you turn a single player Minecraft into multiplayer?

    As for turning a world from single player to multiplayer just rename your singleplayer world to 'world' and put it in the server folder. Show activity on this post. Go through that step by step and you can make a multiplayer server.

    How do I make an existing Minecraft server world?

    Uploading an Existing World to your Minecraft Server
  • Install the Same Modpack and Version of Minecraft on the Server. ...
  • Find the "World" Folder on Your Existing Game. ...
  • Use a Compression Utility to "Zip" the Entire World Folder. ...
  • Delete any "World" Folders Already on the Nodecraft Server. ...
  • Upload the . ...
  • Unzip the File.

  • How do you download minecraft single player worlds?

    Uploading the World Save Files
  • Within the Multicraft server window, click FTP File Access.
  • On the left hand menu select Upload.
  • Choose the zipped archive that you just created, to upload from your PC and make sure the Upload to Directory field contains only a /

  • How to Join Your Friends Single Player World in Minecraft + LAN FIX

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Andrea Piacquadio, Pixabay, Pixabay, Pixabay