Is there a way to easily locate my base?

Is there a way to easily locate my base? - Aged building with red brick facade of residence

In Brilliant Diamond, I created my secret base in the underground and placed a few statues. Due to the holidays, I took a few days off from playing. When I entered back into the underground, I was placed in a different part of the map and could not remember where I placed my base nor could I find it on the map.

Is there a way I can easily find and travel to my base so that I can place additional statues?

Pictures about "Is there a way to easily locate my base?"

Is there a way to easily locate my base? - Faceless person driving contemporary cab in city
Is there a way to easily locate my base? - Low angle of road sign with Route 66 End of the Trail inscription located near fast food restaurant against cloudy evening sky on Santa Monica Beach
Is there a way to easily locate my base? - Modern bus driving along river against bridge

How do I find my lost Minecraft base?

Open full map of Grand Underground, and look for red dot. On full map there are various markers: Glowing red dot with red circle around, that moves together with you, is your location. Small dark red dot is your base.

How do I find my underground base?

To restore your base just go to any planet at all, open the quick build menu by clicking up on the D-pad, then go find the Base computer, build that then there will be an option to restore your base, (or you can go find an empty home base and do it there).


Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Alec D, Tim Samuel, Enric Cruz López, Olga Lioncat