How to speed up Endless Legend battle animations after a game start?

How to speed up Endless Legend battle animations after a game start? - Red and blue handled curling stones placed on circles of house of ice arena while competition

Endless Legend lets you set a speed for battle animations but only at a world creation step at a start of a game. How to change it after one has already started a game?

Best Answer

Let me answer this question by quoting this answer from the game's Steam Community board.

If you forgot to set the combat speed while creating a new game, you can change it in your save file. Locate the zip for the save file (usually in your User directory), open the zip, edit GameSaveDescriptor.xml by finding the line 1 and set the number to 3 instead of the the default of 1. Make sure the zip is updated with your edited file.

Pictures about "How to speed up Endless Legend battle animations after a game start?"

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Endless Legend ~ How to speed up the Battle Animations

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: SHVETS production, Wendy Wei, Pixabay, Sebastian Voortman