How do you get miners to mine for gems?

How do you get miners to mine for gems? - Black Stone

When I build a new mining settlement and all the miners are unemployed, I can leash from the mining settlement to a gem seam. But after the miner is done on the gem seam, they build a mine and work on that. When I leash miners that are working on mines to gem seams, they turn around and go back to their mine after walking to the gem seam. If I use finger of god on a mine, the miner will just build a new mine. How do I consistently get miners to work on gem seams?

Pictures about "How do you get miners to mine for gems?"

How do you get miners to mine for gems? - Clear Stone
How do you get miners to mine for gems? - Low angle of abstract textured walls and hanging LED lamps in Salina Turda salt mine in Romania
How do you get miners to mine for gems? - From above of hanging LED lamps and salty stalactites on uneven walls of Salina Turda mine in Romania

How do I get miners to mine gems in Godus?

The gemstones are usually extracted using a hydraulic suction stystem or a continuous-line bucket system. The latter is the preferred method and operates like a conveyor belt running from the sea floor to the surface where the ship or mining site extracts the desired gems and returns the trailings back to the ocean.

How does mining for gems work?

  • Gems can be obtained by mining the sapphire that leads to the temples.
  • (PC version) Sacrificing Followers in the Pit Of Doom (Landmark).
  • Completing Expeditions accessed from the Dock to Events.
  • Finding them in Chests, which randomly appear around the Homeworld.
  • (Mobile version) Buying them with real money.

  • How do I farm gems in Godus?

    Open cast mining is one of the methods of gemstones mining, where the overlying minerals or rocks are removed to reach the gemstones-bearing rocks. The gemstones-bearing rocks are then washed by jets of water under high pressure to obtain the gems. These are then sent to treatment plants for further processing.

    Do This For Fast Gems | Roblox Mining Simulator 2

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Peter Döpper, Peter Döpper, Julia Volk, Julia Volk