How can I know if a Pokemon has reached its final stage of evolution in Pokemon Go?

How can I know if a Pokemon has reached its final stage of evolution in Pokemon Go? - Yellow Pikachu Plushmascot

If there is no "Evolve" button on a Pokemon, is it at its highest form? How do you know when it can't evolve anymore?

Best Answer

In Pokemon Go you cannot evolve a Pokemon that is in its final evolution (disregarding mega-evolution from other Pokemon games and anime).

  • You know a Pokemon is in its highest evolved state if there is no Evolve button.
  • You can learn the total possible levels of evolution in the Pokédex entry. It shows the existence of all evolution levels, (although those not yet seen show up as nameless shadows). This offers more detail than the "main" Pokemon page, as it allows you to see if there are multiple possible evolutions beyond yours, as well as lower-evolved forms.

Here is a table of all the Pokemon evolutions however only Generation 1 and Generation 2 Pokemon (i.e. the first 251 Pokemon of the National Pokedex) are currently available in Pokemon Go.

Pictures about "How can I know if a Pokemon has reached its final stage of evolution in Pokemon Go?"

How can I know if a Pokemon has reached its final stage of evolution in Pokemon Go? - Pokemon Go Application on Smartphone Screen
How can I know if a Pokemon has reached its final stage of evolution in Pokemon Go? - Turned-on Iphone Displaying Pokemon Go Charizard Application
How can I know if a Pokemon has reached its final stage of evolution in Pokemon Go? - Person Holding Pokemon Ball Toy

What if a Pokémon is past its evolution level?

Most Pok\xe9mon evolve when they reach or surpass a certain level. Once such a Pok\xe9mon has reached the required level, unless there are other requirements for its evolution, it will attempt to evolve after every battle in which it levels up and every time it gains a level from a Rare Candy.

How do you check evolution in Pokemon go?

New Evolution: Enter evolvenew to see all Pok\xe9mon that you can evolve to fill in a new Pok\xe9dex entry. Note that this shows Pok\xe9mon you can evolve right away in addition to Pok\xe9mon you'll need extra Candy, items, or special conditions to evolve. To see Pok\xe9mon you can evolve right away, search \u201cevolve&evolvenew\u201d.

Is there a Pokémon with 4 evolution stages?

Burmy is a Gen 5 Pokemon with four Possible evolutions. A male Burmy will always evolve into a Mothim at level 20.

How many stages of evolution do Pokémon have?

There are three main stages of evolution in the TCG along with its variants: Basic Pok\xe9mon, which represent the most basic evolutionary stage.

How does CP, IV's, and LEVELS work in POKEMON GO!

More answers regarding how can I know if a Pokemon has reached its final stage of evolution in Pokemon Go?

Answer 2

Basically, if there is no "Evolve" option, then the Pokemon is at it's highest evolution

Evolve Pidgey Can't evolve Pidgeot

There are some Pokemon that do not have any evolutions at all, like Pinsir for example. You can see the full list of 1st gen Pokemon here (Pokemon Go currently only has the 1st gen in it's Pokedex)

As the newer generations are released, this also releases new evolutions, and some pre-evolutions for existing gen Pokémon, and with the addition of the new Magnetic, Mossy, and Glacial lures, some specific Pokémon require these in order to evolve, which the option will only appear if you have one of these applied to a nearby PokeStop (E.g. Magneton will only show it's ability to evolve if you are in a Magnetic lure that has been applied to a PokeStop).

And finally, with the new addition of "Mega Evolution", only certain Pokemon have the ability to Mega-Evolve, and (currently) they are still releasing them one by one (at time of posting, only Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Beedrill and Pidgeot can Mega Evolve). This will always appear as an option for these Pokémon, but require Mega Candy in order to evolve.

Answer 3

Aside from there not being an Evolve button in that case, it is also possible to check your Pokédex, which will tell you the evolution chain of your selected Pokémon.

Example: To view the evolution information of Bulbasaur (#1 in Gen I), assuming you caught it:

  1. Click on the PokéBall icon
  2. Click on the PokéDex icon (top most at time of writing)
  3. Click on the Bulbasaur entry
  4. Scroll down and you'll see the evolution section which will list 2 more evolutions (based on whether you catch or saw these next evolution stages, they'll be coloured in or not respectively)


Pidgeotto here shows it is on the second evolution but has a third possible (Pidgeot). Charmander shows two more evolutions, but neither is a known Pokémon.

Pidgeotto showing evolutions Charmander showing unknown evolutions

Answer 4

Yes, its the highest if there's no "evolve" button. But expect future updates will allow more species to evolve to higher evolution. I see no official reference for this, but Updates are of essential, and common to online games, for further maintenance and game improvement.

An example would be the Magneton, In the arcade games, and the story of Pokemon, it has 2 evolutions. Read

While it only offers the first evolution, it is of most expectancy to allow the next evolution to be offered. Also, other generation pokemon might be added.

Answer 5

There are two ways (that I know of) of knowing this. The first is seeing if it shows EVOLVE under power up if it doesn't than it is fully evolutionised. The second is clicking on the Pokémon in your pokedex and at the bottom there may be "shadows" of its evolutions.

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Images: mentatdgt, Pixabay, Anton, Vincent M.A. Janssen