How can I get 15 HPS score?

How can I get 15 HPS score? - Person Holding Paint Brush on Paint Brush

I have been putting in a lot of effort recently to get the max hits per second on online spacebar counters. But unfortunately, none of the tricks or methods available on youtube or google has helped me. Can anyone help me get maximum hits on the spacebar? A litter detail I have spent most of the time practicing on this particular site & they claim the highest hits someone ever got on their site is about 14 something per second.

Pictures about "How can I get 15 HPS score?"

How can I get 15 HPS score? - Free stock photo of anchovies, bread, breakfast
How can I get 15 HPS score? - Brown Coffee Beans in White Ceramic Mug
How can I get 15 HPS score? - Brown Round Fruits in White Ceramic Bowls

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: cottonbro, alleksana, alleksana, alleksana