Buttons in X-Wing cockpit - what do they do? (Vr experience)

Buttons in X-Wing cockpit - what do they do? (Vr experience) - photo of a cockpit

I was surprised that i could not find references online.

Anyway the buttons in the cockpit can be pushed - most seem to do nothing but lighting up. But some seem to trigger that I don't know how to achieve otherwise (on PS4).

Does anyone know what they do?

So far I have identified:

  • two large buttons left of monitor: upper triggers shield, lower s-foils between battle and fligth
  • right of the monitors a single button next to schematics changes laser configuration (4 simlutanuous, two at a time, one per shot)
  • about 90° to the right, group of two buttons - the one with label triggers the "trench run scope"
  • the one furthest back on the left makes R4 whistle

Pictures about "Buttons in X-Wing cockpit - what do they do? (Vr experience)"

Buttons in X-Wing cockpit - what do they do? (Vr experience) - A Pilot Flying an Aircraft
Buttons in X-Wing cockpit - what do they do? (Vr experience) - Two Pilot Inside Aircraft
Buttons in X-Wing cockpit - what do they do? (Vr experience) - Young male interacting with virtual reality headset in apartment

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Ibrahim Boran, Quentin Krattiger, APEX.GRAPHICS, Eren Li