Are there any missable achievements in Rise of the Tomb Raider?

Are there any missable achievements in Rise of the Tomb Raider? - Illustration of woman analyzing financial line graphic

In the last , I reached the end of the game and ran out of enemies to finish off the last few single-player achievements. Are there any "missable" achievements in Rise of the Tomb Raider, such that I would need to restart the game to attempt it again?

Best Answer

At least Paying Respects is missable as well as playing the game on Survivor.

Not sure if you can repeat the intro tomb of Syria either as I'm only 3 hours in. I restarted though since I missed some.

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Are there any missable achievements in Rise of the Tomb Raider? - Vector illustration of income growth chart with arrow and euro coins against purple background
Are there any missable achievements in Rise of the Tomb Raider? - Illustration of rocket flying falling money banknotes
Are there any missable achievements in Rise of the Tomb Raider? - Mosque

Is anything missable in Rise of the Tomb Raider?

Certain sections of areas will be unaccessible until later on, but all areas and collectibles can be got, even after you complete the game. The first area, Syria, can only be revisited after you finish the whole game. So nothing is missable.

Are there any missable trophies in Tomb Raider?

Fortunately none of the collectible related trophies are missable and collectibles can be found even after finishing the story. There are even in-game maps that will help you find them.

What are missable achievements?

If a game has an Achievement that can only be gained at a certain point, but does have a level select feature which allows the player to get to that point without spending too much time playing to get there, then that game does not count.

What are the hidden achievements in Tomb Raider?

TOMB RAIDER Xbox 360 and Steam AchievementsACHIEVEMENTDESCRIPTIONGAMERSCOREA Survivor Is BornGame completed75SECRET ACHIEVEMENTSBoom Goes the DynamiteBundle of dynamite shot out of the air10Crab CakesFeeFee the crab killed. For details see the Shipwreck Beach walkthrough.550 more rows•Aug 7, 2014

Rise Of The Tomb Raider - World's Hardest Achievements - Gilded

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Images: Monstera, Monstera, Monstera, Jeswin Thomas