Are PS+ free games region-locked?

Are PS+ free games region-locked? - Photo Of Person Playing Soccer On The Field
  1. I have a PSN account that belongs to region X.
  2. It has a PS+ subscription.
  3. I have acquired many games throughout the years; some are PS+ free games, some are digital medias bought from PS Store.
  4. I'm moving to region Y.

Question: will I be able to play all of them normally on while I'm in region Y, specially those free PS+?

In other words, will I be able to keep using the same PSN and PS+ accounts and get access to my games in the library?

PS: I believe it is not possible to change country of a PSN account, isn't that so?

Best Answer

You will continue having the games, being able to play them, but in order to get Y country new games, you will need a Y country account, not all the games are in the same countries.

Pictures about "Are PS+ free games region-locked?"

Are PS+ free games region-locked? - Man in a Plaid Shirt Standing Near a Woman Playing Billiards
Are PS+ free games region-locked? - Woman in Brown Sweater Playing Billiard
Are PS+ free games region-locked? - Man in Red and Black Jacket Playing Billiard

Are PS Plus games region-locked?

PlayStation 4 consoles, games, game discs, and digital titles are not region locked.

Is PS Plus Cross region?

Yeah, you can keep 2 accounts and both accounts will have access to each other's games. But other plus benefits (such as mp) only apply to the account with the plus subscription. Just don't forget to buy dlcs from the region the base game is from.

Can you keep free PS Plus games?

How long can you keep a PS Plus game? If you cancel your PS Plus subscription, then you'll lose access to any games you've downloaded through PS Plus. Renewing your PS Plus subscription will allow you to regain access to all the games you've previously downloaded through the PS Plus program.

How do you get PS Plus games from other regions?

How do I buy games from another region?
  • Step 1: Create an account on the other-region store. Simply create an account on the PlayStation Store that is associated with the country that you want to buy games from. ...
  • Step 2: Buy a PSN card for the other-region store. ...
  • Step 3: Buy and play games.

  • How Does Region Locking Work?

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images:, Pavel Danilyuk, Pavel Danilyuk, Pavel Danilyuk