Latest Gaming Topics

Can you make money from your settlements?

I know that building the shops in your settlements allow you to sell items and are convenient, but do they allow you to make money? Do I need to take a certai

While in workshop mode, what is the difference between green and yellow highlighted items?

While walking around and scrapping all of the clutter around Sanctuary, I noticed that some items highlight as yellow, and others as green. From what I can tell

Can I save Fallout 4 saves to the PS4 cloud?

Is it possible to keep my saves for Fallout 4 on the PS4 cloud? I don't want to risk losing my saves due to hardware error, or other error.

What happens to extra materials from salvaged junk?

So I have read through multiple questions about how the workshop handles the various categories when it automatically scraps things to produce raw materials for

Where are the NPC settlements and vendors?

Are there any NPC settlements that have vendors where you can sell your loot, buy stuff, and get healed up? In the other Fallout games it seems like you found t

Are there any missable achievements in Rise of the Tomb Raider?

In the last tomb-raider-2013, I reached the end of the game and ran out of enemies to finish off the last few single-player achievements. Are there any "missabl

Why can my vassals indirectly attack me?

I, a tribal emperor, and a duke vassal both have many barony vassals that don't belong to any of our directly controlled counties, with other direct vassals of

Focus keyboard input in chat windows when in champion selection

What is hotkey to focus keyboard input in chat windows when in champion selection screen?

Buy points with Gaming Evolved

I have about 10,000 points on the AMD Gaming Evolved app, and have my eye on the R9 270 graphics card which costs 80,000 points. Is there any way I can use my p

Test for range of values in a datatag using testforblock

I want to test for for a range of possible datatag values using the testforblock command. For example if I had a hopper where I want to check if it will transfe

How do I set launcher badges?

I figured out how to affix badges to folders. However, the bunny said that some of the badges are special in that they are launcher badges. I took that to mea

How can I figure out the unmodified base of a weapon?

I'm finding lots of already modified weapons, and it's becoming rather annoying to compare them to my own modified weapons. Mods can have a pretty large effect

How do I use Steam In-Home Streaming between Fedora (client) and Windows 8 (server)?

My main gaming machine is a Windows 8 box attached to my TV. When my husband wants to watch TV, I like to play games from my laptop. Since switching OS from Ubu

Enemy Tick marks on compass

It seems the 'tick' marks that appeared on the HUD compass have changed from Fallout 3/NV to Fallout 4. Friendly NPCs no longer show up as green ticks, and it s

What does "tracks targets" mean in the description of recon scopes?

I noticed the option to craft Recon Scopes for certain weapons which requires a higher level of Gun Nut than I currently have. The description mentiones "tracks

Do settlements even matter?

I've been spending a lot of time gathering resources and hauling them back to my base. The novelty of building things has worn off and I'm not having fun doing

What are the chances of getting a legendary card?

I have like the WORST luck of all time in getting legendary cards in Fallout Shelter. So that got me wondering, what are the chances of getting a legendary card

My Enchanted Bow Command Doesn't Work. MC 1.8.8 [duplicate]

/give @p bow 1 0 {ench:[{id:21,lvl:100},{id:48,lvl:2000},{id:49,lvl:2000},{id:50,lvl:2000},{id:51,lvl:2000,{id:34,lvl:2000}],display:{Name:"De

Miners ignore storage barn near the mine

I've built a separate storage barn near mines for my miners. But it seems that they completely ignore it. They put iron near the mine and no one takes resources

How do you get a Meowmere?

How do you get the Meowmere in Terraria?

If I plug in headphones with an integrated microphone, will the Wii U use it?

If I plug in headphones with an integrated microphone, will the Wii U use that instead of the GamePad's microphone?

What are the effects of the various Protectron Personality Modes?

When activating a protectron in Fallout 4 you get the chance to choose its Personality Mode. The available modes are: Default Subway Steward Law Enforcement

How can I find my home in Minecraft PE?

My 5 year old built her house and then walked away from it. Now she can't find it. We have the game in the iPad, so there's no F3 key to hit. How can we find

Can I equip my survivors in Fallout 4

I have plenty of spare armour etc - can I trade it to my survivors and have them actually use it? Same for Weapons too, also do certain people have better skil

Where can I find Dogmeat after dismissing him to Sanctuary Hills?

I recently dismissed Dogmeat in favor of Codsworth, and I'm fairly sure I sent him to Sanctuary Hills. However, I've had a fairly detailed look around the place

How can I kill the Mirelurk Queen?

I just encountered the Mirelurk Queen, and she kicked my ass pretty thoroughly. I'm at level 17, and I really didn't expect a level 50 boss to appear in this mi

Are you able to "wait"?

In Fallout 3, Skyrim, etc. there was the ability to wait in game for a particular number of hours. I've tried every button combination and looked at the control

How to hack terminals

It seems I didn't see the hint while hacking the first terminal (by the way, is there a way to review all hints already displayed?). So, when selecting a word

How can I look at my character?

Is there a way I can inspect my character's face at any point in the game after creating it during the bathroom scene? I am playing on PlayStation 4 and rotati

Old iPod that won't upgrade to iOS 7 [duplicate]

I have an old iPod and I started a clash of clans game on it. I want to link it to an iPad because it's so small. The problem is that it won't