Latest Gaming Topics

How do I show taskbar while playing minecraft?

Guys I need help with the task bar. I pressed F11 and the task bar disappeared. I pressed it again and it just shows a small screen of minecraft. I want it wher

Armour won't show in my inventory after I pick it up

When I pick up daedric boots that I made with the atronach forge under the College of Winterhold, they won't show in my inventory. I've tried exiting the game a

Why am I losing the game when I capture a city?

I was playing a single player game of civ 6 on Prince, and as soon as I captured my first city, the Defeat screen came up. As far as I could tell, nobody was an

Where to get purple rocket launchers?

I am trying to get a purple rarity rocket launcher so I can grind the Badaboom in the grinder, where can I find one? I have tried attacking the secret boss in t

How to know when trade agreements expire?

Where can I find when trade agreements expire? I have an alliance and want to know how many turns until it expires. But of course this question refers to all a

The game freezes sometimes when I Exit To Desktop. How to regain control?

The game freezes when I exit to desktop sometime. How do I close the game without hard-turning off my computer or restarting it. I cannot see my desktop, start

Unable to summon object

I get the above error by using this command: /summon FalingSand ~ ~1 ~ {Block:stone,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:FalingSand,Block:redstone_bock,Time:1,Passengers:[{i

How do I access the Ashes of Ariandel DLC?

I'm starting a new file, because I'm assuming I need to in order to access the DLC, as is custom for Dark Souls. I realize the DLC has only been out for an hour

Is it possible to reroll champion shards into a champion I already own?

I've rerolled two sets of three champion shards and both times I've managed to get a champion I don't yet own, despite only having ~20 unowned champions. So is

Can all monster types be captured?

This is in regards to the Imprism system that is used to capture monsters that you battle. Generally I find that when you lower an enemies health down they wil

Why the MissingNo glitch doesn't work on my Pokemon Blue virtual console (eShop 3DS)?

I have seen many videos of people on YouTube performing the MissingNo glitch on the virtual console Pokemon Red/Blue (e.g. ), bu

Trying to reset password but I don't know my Player ID - how do I get this?

When I got my reset password email I follow the link to reset. But at the bottom one of the fields required is "PLAYER ID" so I can't reset/play. What do I do?

Why can't I discuss "Don't convert my cities"?

Teddy from USA is trying to convert my cities. He has used missionaries to spread religion. Why can't I see the Discuss option to ask him to stop?

I've downloaded minecraft forge but it is not downloaded [EDIT] [closed]

I've recently downloaded Minecraft forge on my windows 10 operating system (not windows 10 edition Minecraft) I downloaded forge 1.7.2, but th

How much cash will I need to build three complete houses?

I've finally "completed" Skyrim and I am about to download the Hearthfire DLC. I will want to unlock the "Master Architect" achievement but I would like to d

Android: Gate Drift Asphalt Nitro

I have been playing Asphalt Nitro on my Samsung Nexus 10" tab. I couldn't even clear a single "Gate Drift" task. How I drift: When I see there is Right turn c

In Pokemon Go when selecting a wild Pokémon does the colored circle have any significance?

After the latest update (0.43.3 for Android and 1.13.3 for iOS), selecting a wild Pokémon puts a colored ring around the Pokémon. Does this hav

What can I do with Thorium?

I just found out I have over 900 Thorium: I don't know where I got it from, nor what it does (nor did I know it was in the game). I suppose I got it from som

In Pokemon Go if you receive the 'Bag Full' message when spinning a PokéStop, does that PokéStop count towards a 'Mega PokéStop'?

Spinning 10 unique PokéStops within 30 minutes results in a 'Mega PokéStop', where you receive 6+ items and 100 XP. But what if some of the Pok&e

How do I shut down a command block if I don't know the coordinates? [duplicate]

In minecraft, I created a command block that kills any player within 100 blocks of it. How can I shut it down if I don't know the coordinates

How does the store credit work?

As a login bonus on day seven, you get a store credit. If I remember correctly, it was for a x3 Multiplier on Earth. However, when I enter the shop I see no me

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes - how to unequip an item?

After equipping an item, the icon doesn't disappear from the top right corner of the screen:

Are there any consequences of placing a city on a resource?

What are the effects of placing a city on a resource in Civilization VI? There are available: strategic resources (like iron), normal resources, like sheep an

What's the Pal Points limit?

Pal Points can be used at the Pal Egg Machine. What's the maximum amount of Pal Points? How many rolls is that?

Can I reduce the distance between resources?

I created a PGARK private server and noticed that the resources are few and far between. I might have to walk for a minute or more along the beach to find anoth

How to disable startup developer game logos when loading the game?

I can disable the game intro movie in the options but how can I disable the logos from showing when the game starts. I dislike how loud they are and im sure my

Can't run MAME 0.178. Freezing on "Initializing" screen

After a long time with no MAME using, I got 0.178 and all the ROMS and CHDs and very happy for MAMEWUI have been merged with the project. Anyway, with all sett

testfor wooden planks?

I am currently making a custom achievement, here is what I have tried /testfor @p[r=10] {Inventory:[{tag:{display:{Name:"planks"}}}]} /testfor @p[r=10] {Invent

How can an non-amphibious plant or zombie end up in a water lane?

I was playing PvZ Heroes and noticed that my opponent did something that managed to put a non-amphibious zombie (in this case a cell phone zombie) into the wate

Improve FPS in Fallout 4

My PC has integrated graphics, an AMD Radeon HD 7660D APU (3.4 GHz). I've done a clean install of the latest driver for it, but I still get atrocious FPS in Fal